Creating a new package

To create a new console application, run:

$ grill new MyProject
$ cd MyProject
$ grill make
        Make MyProject v0.1.0

       [1/4] 🧭 Up to date ✔
       [2/4] 🔍 Resolution ready ✔
       [3/4] 🚚 Packages on disk ✔
       [4/4] 📦 Workspace done ✔
             🍝 Enjoy your spaghetti!

As the output shows, the new command automatically runs make. Let's see what the package looks like:

$ cd MyProject
$ tree .
├── Package.toml
├── Package.lock
├── BeefSpace.toml
├── BeefProj.toml
└── src

Package.toml is the package manifest. Here you can specify properties about your package, such as name, version and dependencies. The dependencies table is not included in newly created manifests, but can be added like this:

Name = "MyProject"
Version = "0.1.0"
Description = ""

Lib = "1.2.3"

Package.lock is generated by Grill and should not be edited manually.

The other files make up a Beef workspace that can be opened and debugged in the IDE.

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